Kyle Mair: The Movie may never have aired but the legacy of the idea lives on. This was the proposed cast and idea for the film that never was.
Kyle Mair: The Movie Cast list
Kyle Mair As Kyle Mair
Joel Patterson as Joel Patterson
Lewis Heffernan as Lewis Heffernan
Stuart Garden as Jamie Kelly
Ash Leckie as Mr John Smith
Scott Dey as Trevor James Mair
Scott Dey as Cousin Brian
Joel Patterson as Doctor Klinkerhoffen
Joel Patterson as Von Flockenstafen
Jamie Campbell as Harold Stagg
Joel Patterson as Lord Bentley
Joel Patterson as German Prison Guard
Darrell mitchell as James Mair
Callum Baird as Jamies thug
Zak Patterson as Zak Patterson
Ryan Naldrett as Yes Campaigner
Various as Kyles female companions
Mikey Bond as Ruby Lawrence
Aiden Thompson as Jack Mair
Stuart Garden as Officer MacDonald
Lewis Heffernan as a fireman
Joel Patterson as a victim of the glasgow fire
Ash Leckie as The midwife
Joel Patterson as Rubys father
Jack Stockwell as Mr Mings Assistant
Jack Stockwell as Stanley Bentley
Morgan Thompson as Security Guard One
Kieran Lazenby as Security Guard Two
Amy Simpson as witness to fight
Emma Riddell as trevors thug
Caitlin Riddell as trevors thug 2
Kyle Mair is living the dream singing to thousands, getting away with evreything and pulling loads of girls, but one day he knows that his past will catch up with him, and it does. He became world famous with the help of Mr Ming his ivestor whom he made a millionare. But the investor who he snubbed John Smith has lost evreything now and is desperate for Revange on Kyle. This Dramatic yet funny Movie shows the effect and detireation of Kyle mairs career and the dramatic fire at the height of the thug years. He also comes head to head with his ex girlfreinds angry father, Stanley Bentley and a relative of a glasgow fire incidents brother all to come on December 12th.