Mair TV is a television and broadcast company created by Joel Patterson and Lewis Heffernan. Their first broadcast was in late January when they aired the 1st series of Kyle Mair A life Story. Series 1 consisted of just two episodes. The Second Series aired in May 2015 and consisted of six episodes. On May 15th just after episode four was aired Mair TV announced that they were axing Kyle Mair A life Story to pursue new projects. On the 16th May the final episode went out successfully but to the lowest viewing figures of the entire series. They took on a new project Harry Munro: Out of Korea and it was aired during May. On May 18th Mair TV announced there plans to make Kyle Mair: The Movie. However, their plans ultimately failed and Mair TV fizzled out. However, in January 2019 Mair TV came back to life with a feature length special and grand plans to finish their own story on a high.
Kyle Mair A life Story
The first ever and to this day the seminal Mair TV Production Kyle Mair A life Story aired eight episodes over 2 series in 2015. The success of the show inspired the shows creators Joel Patterson and Lewis Heffernan to do a movie. However, these plans never materialised. Despite originally deciding that they wanted to not tarnish Kyle Mair A Life Story's legacy, the show was Mair TVs most famous project and a third series was the subject of much media attention . The programme was finally brought back for a third series to kick off the Resurrection19 project although the founders have stated quite categorically that this series will be the shows final one.